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Critical reflections of my first Dance floor build


This is my first attempt at fleshing out my dance floor for my project. I did not worry about adding the correct colors to it or texturing as I think it is important just to get the layout first. My first build consists of a dance floor, a stage area and a red carpet with red rope poles beside it. It may not look like much now but I think you will be surprised how nicely it is going to come along over the next few weeks!

Problems and issues that you have faced and how you solved them:

The main problem I have run into is getting the math’s right for lining my prims up. There is no simple way to solve this. I have solved all of my problems so far though by sticking with it and using a calculator. The other issue is I have found some of the scripting to be a bit hard as I am not a natural programmer. I have not overcome this yet but as I go on with the build I think I will become more confident.

How you have interpreted the project brief:

I have interpreted the project brief as building a live music/Dancing performance space that contains all the relevant interactive media elements. I noticed that it was meant to be a group project but I am sure I am more than capable of doing it by myself. I think the most important think to note is the aim of having the user interact with the build when it is finished!

How well your design/build meets the project brief

I think it is well on the way to meeting the requirements. It is just a first attempt and I am sure it will evolve as I put more and more time into it! It has not yet got user interaction but this will come as the project continues to develop.

Areas which you would like to develop further etc.

Well as I said there are no textures or proper colors on it yet so that will need some work. I will need to implement some user interactivity e.g. Orbs that you can dance on as well! I am not 100% sure if I am going to add my teleport to my build but if I don’t at least it was good for learning a bit of scripting on.

  1. aliisquercus permalink

    Hello Zeke, I like what you have done and especially your exciting use of colors. will be good when you have it finished.

  2. Clare permalink

    I visited an interesting place in OpenSim today – a huge rock stage with a large console to control all the lights and visual effects! Amazing what can be done! I posted some pictures here – . Not expecting this in your build but might provide some inspiration!

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